Kiuchi Shuzo Honten, founded in 1828 and famous for its HITACHINO NEST BEER, is located in Naka City, Ibaraki Prefecture! Easy-to-understand explanation of how to get there

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This article provides clear instructions on how to access the Kiuchi Brewery, famous for its Hitachino Nest beer.

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Directions and other useful information

Business hours: 10:00-18:30

It is located 5 minutes on foot from Hitachi-Konosu Station on the JR Suigun Line.
After getting off at Hitachi-Konosu Station, walk south on Ibaraki Prefectural Road No. 31 for a while (about 500m in distance). Then you will see a historic building, which is the main store of Kiuchi Sake Brewery.
To get there from Mito Station, take the JR Suigun Line. Please note that the number of trains on the Suigun Line is limited. See the table below.

Departure time from Mito StationArrival time at Hitachi-Konosu StationDeparture time from Hitachi-Konosu Station (return)
17:24*Weekdays only17:4618:41
Timetable of the Suigun Line departing from JR Mito Station. Best suited for Kiuchi Sake Brewery’s main office hours.

Kiuchi Sake Brewery Honten is a sake brewery founded in 1828 in Naka City.
In addition to sake and Hitachino Nest Beer, they also sell goods associated with Hitachino Nest Beer, so it is well worth the trip. Speaking of Hitachino Brewing, you can now drink it at Tokyo Station, and it is also sold in beer cans and has grown to represent Ibaraki.

It is also available on Amazon. Probably few people in Tokyo do not know about it.

created by Rinker
¥14,272 (2024/07/26 20:27:21時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

The main restaurant also has an eating and drinking area where you can enjoy soba noodles.

External link:
Soba restaurant hours: Monday-Friday 11:30-14:30, Saturday, Sunday and holidays 11:30-14:30, 17:30-20:00 (L.O. 19:30)
Closed: Thursday

Other: Useful Information

There is a direct sales shop (Fureai Farm Yoshino) near Hitachi-Konosu Station that sells NAKA vegetables and a restaurant specializing in fresh pasta that is attached to the direct store.

If you are a soba noodle eater at the main restaurant, you probably won’t be hungry for fresh pasta, but if you are not, I recommend it because the fresh pasta is delicious and fresh Naka vegetables are sold there.


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